Wednesday, July 24, 2013

le Square.

   What's the next step?
When waking life has turned into a tourist trap,
and your house is filled with plastic-wrapped plastic crap
and even the stairway to heaven seems lined with a
gold covered
polystyrene banister.
Whats the price tag on salvation?
Whats the hash tag on your distraction?
Whats the sound of our demise?
If you despise the enterprise, you'll be left oiling fries for eternity.
yet what i yearn to see
is a shift
in perception
a change
of direction
from peering out from behind movie collections 
to using discretion when choosing at the next election
or, in perfection
beginning to reclaim some of this spiritual power
instead of doling it out
half hour by half hour
from the comfort of a lazy-boy locked in the recline position
and as the misses salts butter in the kitchen 
and i swallow my prescription for higher blood pressure
i understand honesty here is too kind a gesture
i'm sure there's a legal team somewhere to rip me to shreds should i 
DARE insinuate the cure is to get out of bed and stop shoving factory food through our gullets.
there is this thing
called mastication
and though i know it sounds a bit like masturbation 
if i could just pull my hand from my inseam
I'm talking appreciation for more than the t.v. station which shows the most titty.
such as:

Who dimmed the stars in the city?
when did the committee on painting the night fluorescent orange sit in?
did they all maniacally grin 
and say "Let's begin"
to our endless chagrin?
or was it simply
were we really 
by the imported importance of being afraid of the darkness?
you cannot know light unless you also know dark
and that said, let my voice be the spark of recollection
I'll remind you of your present perfection until you get the hint.
because i see,
behind the glint in your eye
We don't buy into the lies out of sheer power of our will.
We were all simply caught up in the thrill
of losing a one-dollar bill
to test our skill
at a game of street fighter.
Now let that spark hit the lighter as we engulf you in flame
show me your face before you ever had a name
before the conditioning began to take place
before your parents ever conceived their embrace
what was your game
in the space between the space?
and for that matter,
point to the rat-race
Which part of your luminous soul was served the task
 of serving an economy
that no longer serves you?
not trying to unnerve you here
but we're all going to die.
the sooner we can come to terms with this
the sooner we can stop just getting by
and start demanding a living!
after all, its yours for the giving.

so what do you demand?
Is it really bands of white hands bombing the shit out of brown people?
and where did we get that?
the good book under the steeple?
the signatures below "all men are created equal"?
Drop whats not yours
nature abhors redundancy
don't believe me?
come and see
you show me the duplicate snowflake,
show me the pattern the wind will take
as it dances in the street.
and what of your feet?
do they follow another's print,
stuck in the mud?
do you chew the same cud you did last week?
spit these electronic opinions from your mouth and 
move on, baby get your groove on, maybe even
do this thing together
see, we're birds of a feather,
and that's whether you wanna weather the weather or not.
you've got skills
that I haven't got.
unity only comes through community
yet community only comes through individuality
so that's not me claiming a duality
its more a formality
a way to point to a reality
that's best expressed by saying what beats in your chest
moves the rest of the galaxy
in fact
the universe.
so before they steal your flesh for a hearse
rid your self of the curse of dying along side it.
you're the ocean, baby.
find a wave 
and ride it.

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